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An Honest Man de Ben Fergusson
Descripción - Críticas A compelling story of love and betrayal in the divided Berlin of the 1980s (Sunday Times Best Books of 2019)A beautifully written, evocative literary thriller set in Berlin shortly before the fall of the Wall (Financial Times Best Books of 2019)In An Honest Man, Ben Fergusson richly evokes West Berlin in 1989 through his narrator's nineteen-year-old self. Absorption in his own friendships and sexual self-discovery obscures from him his larger community's confusion of hopes and fears, though he is appealingly sensitive to Berlin's natural, geological realities (Times Literary Supplement, Books of the Year 2019)Love and loyalty in Cold War-era Berlin: an outstanding novel (Sunday Times Must Read)The divided Berlin of the Cold War era is brilliantly resurrected on the cusp of momentous change in Ben Fergusson's An Honest Man...the novel movingly recounts Ralf's painful discoveries about love and loyalty (Sunday Times)During the hot summer of 1989, a group of friends mooch about, fall in love, swim and party. All perfectly normal - except this is West Berlin which is still divided by the Wall and awash with spies and paranoia . . . The author won awards for his debut, The Spring of Kasper Meier. This is equally atmospheric and thought-provoking (Daily Mail)A genre-melding mix of coming of age and spy thriller...Fergusson's prose combines a reporter's eye for detail with poetic scene-setting...But the Cold War and greater forces are in play. The party will soon be over and a profound betrayal is about to turn Ralf's world upside down. A fine summer read (Financial Times)Subtle and intense...a morally complex tale...This is a beautifully written and engaging novel that comes from the heart (NB magazine)The stunning, powerful and addictive new novel by the prize-winning author of The Spring of Kasper Meier... (Attitude magazine)A powerful and moving love story by a writer at the top of his game (John Boyne) Reseña del editor 'A compelling story of love and betrayal in the divided Berlin of the 1980s' Sunday Times Best Books of 2019'A beautifully written, evocative literary thriller set in Berlin shortly before the fall of the Wall' Financial Times Best Books of 2019'A powerful and moving love story by a writer at the top of his game' John BoyneIn West Berlin in 1989, eighteen-year-old Ralf has just left school and is living a final golden summer with his three best friends. They spend their days swimming, smoking and daydreaming about the future, oblivious to the storm gathering on the other side of the Berlin Wall.But an unsettling discovery about his family and a meeting with the mysterious Oz shatters everything Ralf thought he knew about love and loyalty. And as old Cold War tensions begin to tear his life apart, he finds himself caught up in a web of deceit, forced to make impossible choices about his country, his family and his heart. Contraportada 'A powerful and moving love story by a writer at the top of his game' John BoyneIn West Berlin in 1989, eighteen-year-old Ralf has just left school and is living a final golden summer with his three best friends. They spend their days swimming, smoking and daydreaming about the future, oblivious to the storm gathering on the other side of the Berlin Wall.But an unsettling discovery about his family and a meeting with the mysterious Oz shatters everything Ralf thought he knew about love and loyalty. And as old Cold War tensions begin to tear his life apart, he finds himself caught up in a web of deceit, forced to make impossible choices about his country, his family and his heart.Praise for An Honest Man'Atmospheric and thought-provoking' Daily Mail'A genre-melding mix of coming of age and spy thriller' Financial Times'Profoundly moving' Jake Arnott[thumbnails of covers for THE SPRING OF KASPER MEIER and THE HOFFMANN SISTERS] Biografía del autor Ben Fergusson's debut novel, The Spring of Kasper Meier, was awarded the Betty Trask Prize and the HWA Debut Crown, and was shortlisted for the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award. The Other Hoffmann Sister and An Honest Man complete a trilogy of novels set in the same apartment block in Berlin at key moments in the city's twentieth-century history. Ben lives in Berlin with his husband and son and teaches at the University of Potsdam.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: An Honest Man
- Autor: Ben Fergusson
- Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Literatura mundial
- Tamaño del archivo: 13 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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